Rent car in Orlando

Rent car in Orlando

If you’re planning a trip to Orlando, renting a car is a great way to get around. Here’s what you need to know when it comes to rent car in Orlando.

Pre-booking your rental car

Most rental companies allow you to pre-book your rental car online. You can usually choose from different vehicles, with different prices depending on the type of car and extras you choose. Pre-booking online gives you the advantage of being able to see the available cars before booking, as well as the chance to pre-pay for some or all of your rental with

Picking up your rental car

How does car rental work: a step-by-step guide | KAYAK

When it’s time to pick up your rental car, you will need proof of identity (either a drivers license or passport), credit card and insurance details. You may also need to show proof of address. If you are picking up on behalf of someone else, they must sign a form giving permission for you to do so.

Insurance requirements

Most rental companies in Orlando require that you have either full coverage insurance or third party insurance when renting their vehicles. Talk through the options with the representative when picking up your vehicle and make sure that you are covered if something were to happen while driving the vehicle.

These are just some of the things that you need to know when it comes to renting a car in Orlando – but they should help get you started on your journey!

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