Cambridge cannabis

Outcry over dispensary near day care prompts pause in marijuana permitting  in Saline -

In Cambridge cannabis, there are three types of cannabis you can choose from. Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid. Each type has its own set of effects that can be helpful for different purposes.

Indica is good for relaxation and sleep. It can help with pain, anxiety, and muscle spasms.

Sativa is good for energy and focus. It can help with depression and fatigue.

Hybrid is a mix of both Indica and Sativa. It can help with both relaxation and energy.

When choosing the right type of cannabis for you

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When choosing the right type of cannabis for you, it is important to consider what you want to use it for. Each type has different effects that can be helpful for different purposes. Talk to your doctor or a dispensary staff member to find out which type of cannabis might be right for you.

Cannabis in Cambridge has been around for centuries, and its use has been documented by many different cultures. Cannabis is a versatile plant that can be used for a variety of purposes, including medical and recreational. With so many different strains and types of cannabis available, it can be difficult to know which one is right for you.

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